1The power supply is selected according applications, i.e. indoor or outdoor.

For outdoor application, please select the power supply waterproof at IP65 or above. Normally, the IP67 can be able to completely satisfy the outdoor requirement. When the user purchases, please choose “Waterproof” for waterproofed power supply under the section “Property” on the category page.


For indoor site that no contact from liquid, please select normal non-waterproofed power supply which can satisfy common use and by the way save costs without wasting resources.

Not waterproof
2Selection of Power Voltage:

Please choose a suitable power supply according to the different load voltage of the module, LED Strip & Bar, LED Pixel Light, etc., applied.

  • LED Module
  • LED Bar
  • LED Strip
  • LED Pixel Light

Generally, the normal working voltage of the LED Pixel Light is 5V DC for which to equip with 5V DC power supply.

Example: The user purchases the product “12mm WS2811 DC5V Waterproof IP65 RGB Full Color Pixel LED Module String” (code: LEDM-XQD-12MM-FC) for which he can equip 5V DC power supply. Hence on the category page, he selects the voltage of 5V DC to find the relevant power supply for the module thereon as the image shown below:


And, the working voltage of common modules or LED Strip & Bar is 12V DC hence to choose 12V DC power supply.

Example: The user purchases the product “SMD 2835 Waterproof LED Module (3 LED Chips with Optical Lens, 0.72W, L70 x W16 x H7mm) designed for Internal Illumination Of Signs” (code: LEDM-GKL-MFX148A). Hence on the category page, he selects the voltage of 12V DC to find the relevant power supply for the module thereon as the image shown below:

12V DC

For the working voltage of 24V DC of special modules or LED Strip & Bar, please select 24V DC.

Example: The user purchases the product “High Power SMD 3535 Side Lighting Light Bar for Lightbox” (code: LEDM-GKL-LDW294D). Hence on the category page, he selects the voltage of 24V DC to find the relevant power supply for the module thereon as the image shown below:

24V DC
3Selection of power supply capacities and power supply numbers according to Product Loads.

Calculation of the Total Power of the Modules and LED Strip & Bar to be purchased:
Modules Numbers x Power of a Single Module

The Calculation of suitable Power Supply Numbers required:
Total Power / Power Supply Capacity / 0.8 (the “0.8” is the safety usage coefficient)

The Product ID: LEDM-GKL-MFX148A, in total 500 pieces and choose for outdoor power supply.
The Total Power: 500 * 0.72 (the power of a single module is 0.72W) = 360W

The Calculation of the Power Supply Numbers required:

1) Select 60W Power Supply: 360 / 60 / 0.8 = 7.5 (choose the higher integer)
Therefore, the power supply numbers shall be 8 pieces and choose the product code marked as LEDP-JLWY-60W-12F.

2) Select 150W Power Supply: 360 / 150 / 0.8 = 3
Therefore, the power supply numbers shall be 3 pieces and choose the product code marked as LEDP-TLY-LVP-150-12.

Attention: the selection of large or small power supply capacities depends on the requirement of the work. If there are more branched modules, please choose the smaller power supply , and vice versa to choose the larger one.

Shop the LED Power Supply Now!


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